Tyne Rivers Trust would like to wish a warm welcome to everyone attending the Tyne Tour event 2023.
Ahead of the event we kindly ask that everyone spares 5 minutes to read the four-documents attached in the zip file ‘Biosecurity’. We ask that everyone attending the event follows a strict biosecurity protocol of Check, Clean and Dry. Further information on the Check, Clean, Dry protocol is included in the zip folder.
It is essential that everyone attending the event ensures kit is clean and dry before entering the River Tyne. The River Tyne and its tributaries are home to some of England’s most rare and endangered species including the Freshwater pearl mussel and White-clawed crayfish. White-clawed crayfish are susceptible to a plague that is spread in water and via wet equipment. Crayfish plague can cause mass death in native, white-clawed crayfish, the Clean, Check, Dry protocol is in place to ensure the species stay safe in the River Tyne and its tributaries.
For more information on Clean, Check, Dry please visit the Non-Native Species Secretariate https://www.nonnativespecies.org/